Gardening Facts and Tips


Outdoor spaces such as patios and gardens are becoming more popular as people move from their luxurious and plush indoor spaces to the outdoors and nature to get a little dirty.  As such, gardening has hit the big time!

There are hundreds of gardening options, from different flowers to vegetables and everything in between. Whether you are new to gardening or are a long-time pro there may be some things that you do not know about or have forgotten over the years.

IMGP0854 - vege garden
Vegetable garden (Photo credit: RaeAllen)

Here are some key facts and tips that we believe you might want to be privy to:

•The ladybug is a beneficial insect. They consume large numbers of aphids and scale bugs, thus keeping them from chewing on your precious plants.

•The best time to water your plants is in the morning or at dusk. This not only protects your plants from burning but watering in the heat of the day also causes an increase in evaporation; thus, your plants don’t get as much water as you think. It also saves water!

•When watering your plants try not to water the leaves. Water remaining on the leaves is a great way to get and spread disease. To avoid this, try placing the hose at the base of the plant.

•Variegated (different colored pieces of leaves, etc) plants are due to a mutation in the plant.

Jelly Bean Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum)
Variegation on a Jelly Bean Plant (Sedum rubrotinctum) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

•Picking off flowers and vegetables actually increases the productivity of the plant.

• Thinner-leaved plants need more water than those with thicker leaves.

•Mixing cinnamon in with your soil is a simple and easy fungicide.

•Control mildew buildup by diluting milk with water and spraying it on your plants.

•Less than 2 percent of insects are harmful.

English: Ladybug larva (Coccinellidae) Deutsch...
Less than 2% of insects are harmful. (Coccinellidae) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

• Plant shade trees around the home. They can save you a ton of money. In the summer time, they shade the home from direct sunlight and reduce the need for an air conditioner. During the winter, as the leaves fall off, they allow the sun to penetrate and hit the home, heating it up and reducing the use of the heater.

These are only a few tips and hints. There are hundreds of others out there. GO check them out! I also find the history of certain plants particularly interesting as well.

With spring and summer right around the corner, I am now in the mood to get out of the office and start my own fabulous garden! Why don’t you go start one as well?
Article was written by Ashley. When she isn’t freelance writing, she can take photographs or read at the beach.

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