How to Properly Store Wicker Patio Furniture in the Winter

wicker patio furniture

Storing Wicker Furniture for Winter

As the winter weather rolls in, many homeowners are trying to figure out the best way to store their outdoor wicker furniture. Although most resin wickers are advertised as “all-weather” there is really nothing exempt from the forces of Mother Nature.

Water and more particularly, snow can lead outdoor wicker furniture to deteriorate over time. Raging winds can lift lightweight aluminum frames and rub them against surfaces can damage your furniture. To prevent this, you’ll want to ensure you store your wicker furniture away this Winter Season.

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“Honey, did you bring in the patio furniture?” (CC)

5 Tips to Storing Wicker Furniture Over the Winter

1. Clean it Before You Put it Away

Make sure you clean your wicker furniture before storing it away for the winter. You can follow these instructions to learn how to clean wicker furniture properly. This will help preserve the finish and remove any dust or debris that may have settled. This will also keep bugs, spiders, and bees out of your patio furniture so that it looks brand new when Spring and Summer roll around next year.

Additionally, it’s essential to remove any cushions from your wicker furniture. It’s common to put decorative throw pillows on the cushions; remove those as well. Removing these from the furniture gives you an excellent opportunity to clean them. We have a great blog post about properly cleaning cushions here! Clean patio cushions can really refresh your patio when summer rolls back around.

2. Covering them for the Long Haul

How well you need to store your wicker furniture really depends on the climate that you live in. Out in San Diego and along some of the Southern regions along the Sun Belt, you can get away with a few patio furniture covers over the winter. This will prevent them from fading in the sun and keep dirt off them. If you’re in for a harsh winter, your best bet is to store them inside somewhere. You won’t be using them when the weather is bad, you might as well keep them safe. Proper care will lead to your cushions lasting for years!

3. Make Sure the Wind Doesn’t Toss them Around

The weather can get pretty violent and high winds can leave your patio furniture scattered across your entire yard. Talk about a backyard renovation! The best way to prevent this from happening is by storing them in a shed or other area where there are protected. Alternatively, I’ve found 7 other ways to keep patio furniture from blowing away in the winter.

4. Storing Outdoor Cushions

Your cushions need to be put away as well but you don’t want to crush them so that they are flattened before next season. You can store them in matching wicker cushion storage boxes like these to prevent your “storage” area from sticking out like a sore thumb. The idea is to make them become a part of your decor. Cushion storage boxes use a hydraulic life and come in the same high-quality wicker weave as your furniture so it adds to the aesthetic appeal of your home rather than taking away from it. If it’s time, you can also order some replacement cushions.

5. Bring it Inside the Home

Some people overlook that wicker furniture is versatile and can be used inside the home. Don’t give me that look! Synthetic resin wicker has a contemporary look, and many modular pieces can be rearranged to fit the layout of your home. You can check out this page to see some examples before you try it out yourself!

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Nesting furniture is stackable furniture that makes it easy to store your furniture. The Soho Stackable Dining Chair by Three Birds Casual stacks vertically and saves space in your storage shed.

More Patio Furniture Storage Tips:

  1. How to Protect Outdoor Furniture from Snow and Winter Damage with the Proper Patio Furniture Maintenance
  2. How to Protect Patio Furniture from Freeze Damage
  3. How to Clean Resin Wicker Furniture
  4. How to Remove Mold and Mildew from Patio Furniture
  5. How to Choose Quality Wicker Furniture Without Paying the Price

10 thoughts on “How to Properly Store Wicker Patio Furniture in the Winter”

    1. That’s going to be tricky. The point of protecting wicker during the winter months is mainly to protect it from the frigid cold, especially snow. Extreme cold can cause wicker to become brittle and crack. Even with a cover, that may not be enough if it ends up being covered in snow. The first piece of advice I would give is to store it away during the winter but that may not be possible in your situation, unless you have a very large storage shed or garage. Can you take it apart for easy storage? If so that is another option.

      1. I live in West Virginia, my wicker furniture is on my covered porch covered with plastic, is that good enough to protect it?

  1. Hey. Thank you for the information. My patio does not have a roof but I’ve been eyeing a resin wicker set. Would you recommend getting it? Would it get ruined in the rain? Should I cover it before it rains or would that be not enough?

    1. You’re welcome!

      Resin wicker is a synthetic material made for outdoor use so you don’t need to cover it when it rains. Some people do because it extends the overall life of the product. Basically they’ll get a few more years out of it, but it’s not absolutely necessary. Another reason people like to cover their outdoor furniture during rain is because of mold and mildew. If the furniture keeps getting wet every few days without drying off completely the chances of mold are much higher. Nevertheless, mold and mildew can be easily cleaned with a hose and light soapy water. There might be some inconveniences, but the furniture should not get ruined as long as it is a high quality HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) wicker.

  2. Donica Robinson

    Stupid question, but will it be okay to store it in an unused cabin over the winter? It snows hard up here (near Ottawa). I’m building a patio next summer that I’d like to have a used wicker set on in the summer to watch birds. A lot of people sell their old sets because keeping it over the winter poses too much of a challenge. Would a freezing, dry cabin keep it safe for the following season?

    1. Thank you for your comment. That is a very good question.

      A dry cabin, even if it is freezing cold, will provide great protections during the off season. What you don’t want to do is just let the furniture sit under a pile of snow all winter.

  3. I like what you said about cleaning wicker furniture before you store it for the winter. My wife and I would like to get some wicker furniture, and we want to make sure that it’s stored properly. We’ll be sure to look further into our options for following these tips in the future.

    1. Thank you for your comment. If you plan on storing your furniture away for the winter, it is a good idea to look for pieces that are stackable so they don’t take up too much space.

  4. Great article. My concern is mice. If I move the furniture into the shed, how can I keep mice from making a home in the furniture? I’m in New England.

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